Monday, September 05, 2011

North American Birds


These are some North American Birds that I took Pictures of in My Backyard in summer 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Friday, July 30, 2010

Carter YS Carbureter No. 950S

For Willys 4 Cylinder Engine: 3 1/8 Inch Bore, 4 3/8 Inch Stroke
Dimensions: Flange size, 1 1/4 inch S. A. E.
Primary venturi, 11/32 inch I. D.
Secondary venturi, 19/32 inch I. D.
Main venturi, 1 1/4 inch I. D.

Float Setting: Distance from seam of float to float chamber
cover, with weight of float on needle and spring: 9/64 inch.

Vents: Balanced thru air horn to air cleaner via tubing external
to carbureter.
Vent: Bowl chamber to carbureter bore, size No. 68 (.031
inch) drill.

Gasoline Intake: Square vertical (spring loaded) needle No.
53 (.0595 inch) drill size in needle seat. Bleeder tube, as-
sembled over idle tube, with 2 side holes--No. 65 (.035 inch)

Low Speed Jet Tube: Jet size, No. 70 (.028 inch) drill (in end
of tube). Auxiliary jet (on side of tube) size: No. 75 (.021
inch) drill. By-pass (in air horn) size: No. 52 (.0635 inch)
drill. Economizer (in body) size: No. 54 (.055 inch) drill.

Idle Port: Upper port: slot type, length, .165 inch. Width,
.030 inch.

Idle Port Opening: Top of port--.125 to .129 inch above top
edge of valve with valve tightly closed.

Lower Port (For Idle Adjustment Screw): Size, .053 to .057
inch diameter.

Set Idle Adjustment Screw: 1/2 to 1 1/2 turns open. For richer
mixture, turn screw out. Idle engine at 700 R.P.M. with deep
fording vents open.

Main Nozzle: In primary venturi, angle 20°. Discharge jet size,
.0935 inch inside diameter. Main nozzle bleed (tube in air
horn) Size: No. 70 drill.

Metering Rod (Diaphragm operated): Economy step, .070 inch.
Power Step .054 inch diameter.
Vacuum passage restriction, size: No. 50 (.070 inch) drill
Vacuum passage bleed to bore, size: No. 65 (.035 inch) drill.

Metering Rod Jet: Size: .096 inch diameter.

Accelerating Pump: Diaphragm type, vacuum operated. Dis-
charge jet size, No. 72 drill. Intake ball check size: No. 40
drill. Discharge ball check under needle, size No. 50 drill.
Vacuum passage restriction, in flange size: No. 52 (.0635 inch)
drill. Vacuum passage air bleed to bore, size: No. 62 (.038
inch) drill.

Pump Stroke: No adjustment.

Choke: Manual--Offset, butterfly type with poppet valve.

Vacuum Spark Port: None.


NOTE: Description & operation information not applicable.

NOTE: Carburetor models M4ME in operation and adjustment procedures to the E4ME carburetor found the Domestic Car Tune-Up/ Mechanical Service and Repair manual. Carburetors with the "E" designation have a computer-controlled mixture control solenoid in place of the vacuum power piston and spring mixture control used on the Canadian models. The vacuum power piston mechanism is supplemented by a part throttle control which is factory calibrated to maintain emission standards and cannot be adjusted.

Application (Carb. No.) Specification
17083280, 17083281, 17083282, 17083283, 17082282, 17082283
Float Level .375"
Accelerator Pump .281"
Idle Air Bleed N/A
Air Valve Spring (Number of Turns) .875"
Choke Coil Lever .120"
Choke Rod 20°
Vacuum Break
Primary 25°
Secondary N/A
Air Valve Rod .025"
Automatic Choke Tamper Resistant
Choke Unloader 38°
Secondary lockout .015"
17082286 & 17082287
Float Level .40"
Accelerator Pump .281"
Idle Air Bleed N/A
Air Valve Spring (Number of Turns) .50"
Choke Coil Lever .120"
Choke Rod 19.5°
Vacuum Break
Primary 23°
Secondary 34°
Air Valve Rod .025"
Automatic Choke Tamper Resistant
Choke Unloader 35°
Secondary lockout .015"
17082296 & 1708297
Float Level .50"
Accelerator Pump .281"
Idle Air Bleed N/A
Air Valve Spring (Number of Turns) .875"
Choke Coil Lever .120"
Choke Rod 20°
Vacuum Break
Primary 25°
Secondary N/A
Air Valve Rod .025"
Automatic Choke Tamper Resistant
Choke Unloader 38°
Secondary lockout .015"
17080213 & 17082213
Float Level .375"
Accelerator Pump .281"
Idle Air Bleed N/A
Air Valve Spring (Number of Turns) 1.0"
Choke Coil Lever .120"
Choke Rod 37°
Vacuum Break
Primary 23°
Secondary 30°
Air Valve Rod .025"
Automatic Choke Tamper Resistant
Choke Unloader 40°
Secondary lockout .015"
17083290 & 17083292
Float Level .40"
Accelerator Pump .281"
Idle Air Bleed N/A
Air Valve Spring (Number of Turns) .875"
Choke Coil Lever .120"
Choke Rod 46°
Vacuum Break
Primary N/A
Secondary 24°
Air Valve Rod .025"
Automatic Choke Tamper Resistant
Choke Unloader 39°
Secondary lockout .015"
Float Level .375"
Accelerator Pump .281"
Idle Air Bleed N/A
Air Valve Spring (Number of Turns) 1.0"
Choke Coil Lever .120"
Choke Rod 37°
Vacuum Break
Primary 23°
Secondary 30°
Air Valve Rod .025"
Automatic Choke Tamper Resistant
Choke Unloader 40°
Secondary lockout .015"

Monday, April 03, 2006

close your Eyes


Chiudi gli Occhi Mia Cara Bella,non aver Paura che ci sono Io.Vicin,Vicino Prendo la tua Mano,la Tengo al Cuore fin che tu Dormirai.E nel Mattino quando gli Occhi Aprirai T-Bacio Assai.E che al Fin del Giorno Tornerai e mai mi Lascerai


Monday, March 27, 2006

E y e - T a l i a n

You are Italian when.....

You know you're Italian when . . . . You can bench press 325 pounds,
shave twice a day and still cry when your mother yells at you.

You carry your lunch in a produce bag because you can't fit
two cappicola sandwiches, 4 oranges, 2 bananas and pizzelles
into a regular lunch bag.

Your mechanic, plumber, electrician, accountant,
travel agent and lawyer are all your cousins.

You have at least 5 cousins living in the same town or on the same block..
All five of those cousins are named after your
grandfather or grandmother.

You are on a first name basis with at least 8 banquet hall owners.

You only get one good shave from a disposable razor.

If someone in your family grows beyond 5' 9",
it is presumed his Mother had an affair.

There were more than 28 people in your bridal party.

You netted more than $50,000 on your first communion.

And you REALLY, REALLY know you're Italian when . . .

Your grandfather had a fig tree.

You eat Sunday dinner at 2:00.

Christmas Eve . . . only fish.

Your mom's meatballs are the best.

You've been hit with a wooden spoon or had a shoe thrown at you.

Clear plastic covers on all the furniture.

You know how to pronounce "manicotti" and "mozzarella."

You fight over whether it's called "sauce" or "gravy."

You've called someone a "mamaluke."

And you understand "bada bing".

Galileo Mission

The Galileo spacecraft and probe traveled as one for almost six years. In July 1995, the probe was released to begin a solo flight into Jupiter.

Five months later, the probe sliced into Jupiter's atmosphere at one-hundred-six-thousand miles per hour. It slowed, released its parachute, and dropped its heat shield. As the probe descended through ninety-five miles of the top layers of the atmosphere, it collected fifty-eight minutes of data on the local weather. The data were sent to the spacecraft overhead, then transmitted back to Earth.

An artist's depiction of the probe releasing the parachute

It appeared that Jupiter's atmosphere is drier than we thought. Measurements from the probe showed few clouds, and lightning only in the distance. It was only later that we discovered that the probe had entered an area called a "hot spot."

Towards the end of the 58 minute descent, the probe measured winds of four-hundred-and-fifty miles per hour - stronger than anything on Earth. The probe was finally melted and vaporized by the intense heat of the atmosphere.

To get into orbit around Jupiter, the spacecraft had to use its main engine. An error could send Galileo sailing past the planet. There was just one chance to get it right. After hours of anxious waiting, mission controllers confirmed that the spacecraft was safely in orbit. Galileo was alive and well and had begun its primary mission. The maneuver was precisely carried out, and Galileo entered orbit around Jupiter.

Friday, September 24, 2004

little Planet called Earth

When you see yourself inside, you look & you look, and you find, you find what you always had. you had the love for yourself & all the human beings on this beautiful little planet called {EARTH}. I love You, and always will, even if I'm a little ticked off at you for a while. But the me that is also you, I FORGIVE you and me. I love you,I need you . OH! How I love this Planet called (EARTH}. You and me and the birds and the bees! IT'S there for you for me, for a while anyway!! OH! how I need you, to love you, to respect you, to adore you,to hold you. I always will. I'll show you........