Friday, July 30, 2010

Carter YS Carbureter No. 950S

For Willys 4 Cylinder Engine: 3 1/8 Inch Bore, 4 3/8 Inch Stroke
Dimensions: Flange size, 1 1/4 inch S. A. E.
Primary venturi, 11/32 inch I. D.
Secondary venturi, 19/32 inch I. D.
Main venturi, 1 1/4 inch I. D.

Float Setting: Distance from seam of float to float chamber
cover, with weight of float on needle and spring: 9/64 inch.

Vents: Balanced thru air horn to air cleaner via tubing external
to carbureter.
Vent: Bowl chamber to carbureter bore, size No. 68 (.031
inch) drill.

Gasoline Intake: Square vertical (spring loaded) needle No.
53 (.0595 inch) drill size in needle seat. Bleeder tube, as-
sembled over idle tube, with 2 side holes--No. 65 (.035 inch)

Low Speed Jet Tube: Jet size, No. 70 (.028 inch) drill (in end
of tube). Auxiliary jet (on side of tube) size: No. 75 (.021
inch) drill. By-pass (in air horn) size: No. 52 (.0635 inch)
drill. Economizer (in body) size: No. 54 (.055 inch) drill.

Idle Port: Upper port: slot type, length, .165 inch. Width,
.030 inch.

Idle Port Opening: Top of port--.125 to .129 inch above top
edge of valve with valve tightly closed.

Lower Port (For Idle Adjustment Screw): Size, .053 to .057
inch diameter.

Set Idle Adjustment Screw: 1/2 to 1 1/2 turns open. For richer
mixture, turn screw out. Idle engine at 700 R.P.M. with deep
fording vents open.

Main Nozzle: In primary venturi, angle 20°. Discharge jet size,
.0935 inch inside diameter. Main nozzle bleed (tube in air
horn) Size: No. 70 drill.

Metering Rod (Diaphragm operated): Economy step, .070 inch.
Power Step .054 inch diameter.
Vacuum passage restriction, size: No. 50 (.070 inch) drill
Vacuum passage bleed to bore, size: No. 65 (.035 inch) drill.

Metering Rod Jet: Size: .096 inch diameter.

Accelerating Pump: Diaphragm type, vacuum operated. Dis-
charge jet size, No. 72 drill. Intake ball check size: No. 40
drill. Discharge ball check under needle, size No. 50 drill.
Vacuum passage restriction, in flange size: No. 52 (.0635 inch)
drill. Vacuum passage air bleed to bore, size: No. 62 (.038
inch) drill.

Pump Stroke: No adjustment.

Choke: Manual--Offset, butterfly type with poppet valve.

Vacuum Spark Port: None.

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